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Extra-Curricular Enrichment

The purpose of our enrichment activities are to provide extended learning through new experiences and challenges for our children. 

The opportunities we provide for our children are varied and include:
Lunchtime and after-school clubs such as gardening, crafts and a variety of sports (cricket, rounders, multi-sports, athletics, football, tag rugby, archery, dodgeball and netball). 

Music lessons are provided for children from Year 2 upwards.  Opportunities are given to practice and perform their musical talents, for example, our Key Stage 2 choir take part in the national Young Voices Event annually with other primary schools.

School plays (such as our Year 6 leaver's production), assemblies and sports days.

School trips and residential visits. Many school trips/visits are planned as part the themed learning for each half term.  Residential trips to available to Key Stage 2 children, with the cost being subsidised for Pupil Premium children.


Forest School and other outdoor learning opportunities are built into the children's learning, such as Bushcraft Days at our school field.


Whole-school events such as World Book Day and Red Nose Day.

Supporting charities through activities such as our local food bank collections and Comic Relief.

'Bikeability' cycle training is offered each year to Key Stage 2 children. Children in Years 3 and 4 have the opportunity to take their Level 1 certificate.  Years 5 and 6 can take both Level 1 and 2 training.

Curriculum visitors, for example authors as part of World Book Day, online sessions with historical figures or parents who have skills or expertise to share, as part of half termly themed learning.


Half termly Homework Challenges are a chance for children and parents to undertake a project together. All of the challenges are displayed at the end of the half term and parents are invited in to see them with their children.

Local or national challenges like chess, maths or engineering competitions.

Being active in the local community - we take part in many sporting events which help to foster links between other nearby primary schools. These competitions are often held at the local secondary schools, which provide extra transition experience for our children.  We are very proud of our sporting achievements, which are published on the 'Recent Events' page of this website. 

We actively engage with community Arts groups, such as 20Twenty Productions and Blackfields Creative who provide projects for collaborative working to enhance our local area, such as the Vertical Garden in Wisbech Park.  Groups of children also regularly visit our nearby care homes.