Sport & PE
As a school we want our children to be active participants in all our PE opportunities, whether that is class PE lessons, year group team challenges, a whole school event or a local sport competition.
We plan enrichment activities which encourage our children to discover new sports such as BMX, speed skipping and athletics. Each year we provide our children with a range of after school clubs and lunch time activities which promote a love of sport and a healthy lifestyle. These include a range of Premier Sport clubs, girls' football club and extra coaching for sport competitions.
We take part in various inter-school sports events and competitions. These events teach our children how to play competitively, be good team players and to experience wider school sports competitions, such as Panathlon, Dodgeball and Football.
Each class participates in the 'Daily Mile'. This initiative encourages every child to complete a circuit and to try and improve their time every half term. Each child also completes a Health and Fitness tracker which encourages them to improve their fitness score.
Our Play Leader team consists of Year 5 and Year 6 children who are trained to deliver support to our younger children. They teach them how to play team games and work together during lunchtimes.
We use the 'Striver' PE scheme of work. Striver has been created with a sole purpose: to improve primary aged pupils' long-term physical and mental wellbeing. We aim to do this by ensuring children of all abilities feel motivated and engaged, and teachers of all experience levels feel confident in their teaching. The children’s effort and ability are assessed each half term.
Teachers access professional development through accessing training and working alongside our PE teacher to plan and implement high quality PE lessons. We also use external sports providers, such as Premier Education, who provide us with well trained, motivated coaches who teach a variety of sports skills at their after school clubs.
Click on the button below to take you to our Sport Premium page:
PE Kit
Having the correct PE kit is an expectation across school to keep our children safe. Our PE kit consists of:
Plain white t-shirt
Plain black shorts/joggers/leggings
Black plimsolls/trainers
This can be bought in any supermarket, high street shop or online. We also have free second-hand kit available at our Nene School base every Wednesday as part of our Fareshare session.
Children must remove any items of jewellery before participating in PE - this includes earrings. We will not be held responsible for any items of jewellery in school.
School Games Award
We are very proud to announce that we have achieved the The School Games Gold Mark Award. This is a Government-led award scheme, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active. We are delighted to have been recognised for our success!
Year Group PE Teaching
During the academic year every year group experiences a range of sports, PE activities and sessions on health and wellbeing. These lessons are taught by the teacher with their TA or by our PE teacher.
Click on the titles below to see the PE your child will participate in over the year:
Early Years
Games - catching and throwing
Gymnastics - agility, space and movement
Dance - linked to curriculum theme
Team challenges and athletics - including using balance bikes and apparatus
Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2)
Athletics and multi skills - including team sports
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)
Key Stage 2 develop their skills in a range of sports including:
Swimming Athletics
Dodgeball Netball
Hockey Basketball
Tennis Tag Rugby
Handball Gymnastics
Dance OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities, part of the National Curriculum)