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Admissions to Little Owls Nursery

 The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust has determined the Admissions Policy 2023-2024 for Nursery.  It can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Admission Policy for Nursery 2023-2024

TEFAT have also determined the 2024-25 policy which can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Admission Policy for Nursery 2024-2025

Statement of intent

It is our intention to make Little Owls Nursery accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. 

Places are allocated immediately where there are existing spaces. Children who have registered in advance will be offered available spaces in the half term period before they are due to start. Applications received after the beginning of this half term will be allocated on a first come first served basis until we are full and then places will be allocated in accordance with the following over-subscription criteria:

  1. Children who are Looked After
  2. All children not accommodated from the previous terms waiting list
  3. Children eligible for the 2yr old funding scheme, children with a high level of need  having been referred by a Social Worker, Health professional, Pre-School Specialist Support Teacher, Special Needs Officer or the Traveller Referral Team
  4. Children with a sibling in Nursery 
  5. Children requiring full Nursery where spaces allow **
  6. First come first served

** Where places cannot be allocated, your child’s details will be added to our waiting list. This will be arranged in strict order of the admissions criteria, not according to the date of application.

 Click on the button to download the form to request a place at Little Owls:

Expression of Interest Form

PLEASE NOTE: A place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place for your child in our Reception Classes.  You must apply for a Reception place for your child - please see the 'Admissions to Reception' tab or CLICK HERE to take you to the Cambridgeshire Admissions information page.